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  1. D-150 Process for the Selection of Members of the Citywide Council on Special Education and the Citywide District 75 Council

    ... special education services that are provided by and/or paid for by the Department of Education (“DOE”) are eligible to run for a seat on the CCSE. D-150 – PROCESS FOR THE SELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE CITYWIDE COUNCIL O...

  2. Family Guide To Special Education School Age Services

    ... special education services and how the DOE provides special education services. If you are interested in learning about preschool special education services for children ages 3 to 5 with disabilities, refer to the Fam...

  3. Bilingual Special Education Family Guide

    ... special education teacher. The teachers work together and collaborate through the day to adapt and modify instruction for your child and make sure the entire class has access to the general education curriculum. The n...

  4. Special Education Resource for Newly Arrived Families

    ... special education services, supports, and programs. /nycschools Steps for Disability Supports and Services in NYC Public Schools Do you have any documents, or other information about your child’s disab...

  5. 12X641 Bard Special Education Faculty postings 2023

    ... special education instructor to co-teach in our program and manage a caseload of students requiring special education services. Successful applicants will be innovative teachers, using evidence-based instructional pra...

  6. Letter to Families on Special Education Recovery Services

    Special Education Recovery Services Dear Parents and Guardians, As the school year begins, we know that many of you are concerned about the return to full-time inperson learning. We have strived to keep students engaged ...

  7. 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc_Arabic

    T- 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc (Arabic) إﻋﺎدة ﺗﺻور اﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم ﻟذوي اﻻﺣﺗﯾﺎﺟﺎت اﻟﺧﺎﺻ ﺔ أﻋزاﺋﻲ ﺳﻛﺎن ﻣدﯾﻧﺔ ﻧﯾوﯾورك، ﻊ PS + You وﻧﯾف، أرﺳﻠت ﻧﺳﺧﺔ ﻣن ﻧﺷرﺗﻧﺎ اﻹﺧﺑﺎرﯾﺔ ) ٍﻣﻧذ ﻋﺎم ّ ( ﺗﺣﻣل ﻧﻔس ﺳطر اﻟﻣوﺿوع ھذا....

  8. 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc_Bangla

    T- 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc (Bangla) নত ুন আি�েক ে�শাল এডুেকশন ভাবনা ি�য় িনউ ইয়কর্বাসী, এক বছেরর িকছু আেগ, আিম এই একই িশেরানােম একিট PS + You িনউজেলটার পািঠেয়িছলাম। আিম আমােদর ে�শাল এডুেকশন অয্...

  9. 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc_Chinese

    T- 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc (Chinese) 重新構想特殊教育 各位紐約市民: 一年多之前,我發送了一份《公立學校和您》(PS + You)的通訊,主題和今天的一樣。 我當時宣佈歷史性地擴展我們為殘障學生開設的特殊課程,同時啓動我們的特殊教育諮詢委員 會(Special Education Advisory Council)。 現在,我很高興分享一個令人...

  10. 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc_Korean

    T- 36731 PS + You Issue 49 - Special Education Announc (Korean) 뉴욕시 특수교육 개혁 친애하는 뉴욕 주민 여러분, 약 1 년 전 제가 같은 제목의 PS + You 뉴스레터를 보내 드린 바 있습니다. 특수교육 자문 위원회(Special Education Advisory Council) 출범과 함께 장애 학생을 위한 특수 프로그램의 역사적인 확대...