Discipline Code

The Discipline Code is also known as the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning. It:

  • Is age-specific with one set for grades K-5 and another for grades 6-12.
  • Explains the standards for behavior in the New York City public schools.
  • Describes supports, interventions, and disciplinary responses that schools can use when students demonstrate unwelcome behavior.
  • Explains how you can appeal decisions.
  • Includes the K-12 Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

Ensuring that every child learns in safe, supportive, and inclusive schools is our top priority. To do this, we use preventive approaches that address the real causes of a conflict as well as reinforcing positive behaviors through teachable moments. The Discipline Code outlines the standards of behavior and the responses if these standards are not met. We encourage you to become familiar with these standards and discuss them at home.

The current version of the Discipline Code includes input from principals, teachers, safety administrators, parents, students, and advocacy groups.

Parents who want to discuss supports and interventions in response to student behavior should contact their child’s school, including the Parent Coordinator, or, if necessary, the Family Support Coordinator in your District Office. Please use our get help page for guidance about the appropriate people in your school or district to reach and for information to look up their contact information.