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  1. Enrollment for Students with Disabilities

    All NYC public schools are expected to welcome, serve, and support students with disabilities.

  2. Meeting Student Needs

    Our schools warmly welcome and serve all NYC students, including students with disabilities, students learning English, students with accessibility needs, and students in temporary housing, as well as LGBTQ students.

  3. Enrollment for Students Learning English

    Our schools offer a wide variety of programs and supports for students of all ages who are learning English.

  4. Enrollment for Students with Accessibility Needs

    We are committed to ensuring that our programs, services, and activities are accessible to all. In our admissions materials, each school building is labeled as fully accessible, partially accessible, or not accessible. P...

  5. Enrollment for LGBTQ and Gender Nonconforming Students

    Learn about our policies and find resources for LGBTQ and gender nonconforming or gender expansive students. Our enrollment and admissions processes are open and welcoming to all NYC students.

  6. How Students Get Offers to DOE Public Schools

    Learn how offers are made and how students are matched with programs.

  7. New Students

    If you are new to New York City public schools or need help with the enrollment process, visit the New Students page to learn more.

  8. Services for Student Parents

    Our program Living for the Young Family Through Education (LYFE) is for the children of students who are parents.

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