Citywide Education Councils
The Citywide Education Councils are comprised of volunteer parents and community leaders, who are responsible for advising and commenting on educational policies that involve the student communities they represent; issuing an annual report on the effectiveness of the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) in providing services to the represented student communities; and holding at least one public meeting per month during which the public may discuss issues facing high schools (CCHS), English Language Learners (CCELL), and students with disabilities (CCSE and CCD75). The 4 citywide councils are listed below.
Citywide Council on High Schools (CCHS)
Advise on High School educational/instructional policy and report on Public Schools’ effectiveness. Comprised of 10 elected parents (two per borough) and three appointees.
Citywide Council on Special Education (CCSE)
Advise on Special Education educational/instructional policy and report on Public Schools’ effectiveness. Comprised of nine elected parents and two appointees.
Citywide Council on English Language Learners (CCELL)
Advise on English Language Learners educational/instructional policy and report on Public Schools’ effectiveness. Comprised of nine elected parents and two appointees.
Citywide Council for District 75 (CCD75)
Advise on District 75 educational/instructional policy and report on Public Schools’ effectiveness. Comprised of nine elected parents and two appointees.
The Citywide Education Councils composition and eligibility criteria are detailed on each councils page. If you don’t meet these criteria, you may still qualify as a Public Advocate appointee. CCSE, CCD75, and CCELL each have two Public Advocate appointees, while CCHS has one. Appointees do not need to be parents but must be New York City residents with extensive business or educational experience and relevant knowledge. Additional requirements may vary and are outlined in Chancellor’s Regulation D-150(CCSE & CCD75), D-160(CCHS), D-170(CCELL).