Take advantage of free live one-on-one counseling and receive weekly text reminders about college and career planning. Chancellor Banks has outlined a bold vision for New York City: through a reimagined student experience that centers career-connected learning, all students will reach long-term economic security. In line with that vision, with the support of College and Career Advising programs, NYC high school students and their families can use free College and Career Advising to continue their journey with passion and purpose.
Resources for Students
Free College and Career Advising: Live 1-on-1 College and Career Advising
Get Text Reminders with Deadlines, Information, and Opportunities
Connect with Your School Counselor
Students should schedule a one-on-one meeting with their school counselor or someone they trust at their school to discuss their postsecondary plan and the transition support they need.
Remember, the goal of this meeting is to:
Resources for Families
Financial aid is available for every pathway a student might choose. Learn more about these options on the Understanding FAFSA website.