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  1. Literacy

    NYC Public Schools is committed to ensuring all students receive strong instruction in the foundational skills of literacy.

  2. Health Education Requirements

    Health Education Requirements On this page... All students must take Health Education. This includes lessons on HIV and AIDS prevention, every year. It’s part of NY State law. The State also sets learning standards for H...

  3. Physical Education Requirements

    Physical Education Requirements On this page... All students must take Physical Education (PE). It’s part of NY State law. The State also sets the learning standards for PE. Students are not exempt from PE for any reason...

  4. Social Studies

    In Social Studies students use rich content, major themes and big ideas to learn history, geography, economics, civics, citizenship, and government.

  5. Math

    In Mathematics we teach students to have solid understanding of concepts, and to work through problems with skill and ease.

  6. Early Literacy Resources

    Early Literacy Resources On this page... We work diligently to ensure that all students are provided with research-based literacy instruction from trained and knowledgeable teachers.Supports to Expect at Your Child's Sch...

  7. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)

    STEM is an acronym for the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Students can learn about STEM inside and outside the classroom.

  8. Science

    Students are naturally curious, which makes them natural scientists. A strong science program helps them make sense of the physical world around them.

  9. Literacy Advisory Council

    New York City Public Schools has convened a diverse group of stakeholders to join the Literacy Advisory Council to help shape the direction of literacy in NYC. The council, which includes local community members, experts...

  10. Specialized High School Admissions Test

    Students in grades eight or nine who want to enroll in one of New York City’s specialized high schools must take the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT).

  11. Parents Bill of Rights

    To foster active engagement between parents and schools, parents have certain rights and responsibilities.

  12. Internet Acceptable Use Policy

    The Internet Acceptable Use Policy, or IAUSP, governs all electronic activity of users using and accessing the NYCDOE's internet systems.