Gifted & Talented (G&T)

Gifted & Talented programs offer accelerated instruction to eligible elementary school students in New York City. 

For Children Interested in Kindergarten G&T Programs in Fall 2024

Kindergarten offers are now available for families who submitted the applications by the January 19 deadline. If you applied for G&T programs your eligibility will be on your offer letter. 

If you are eligible you will be able to add yourself to additional G&T waitlist, otherwise you will not be able to apply late via the waitlist. Waitlist close September 20th, that is the last day to receive a waitlist offer for Fall 2024.

For Children Interested in Grades 1, 2, 3, or 4 G&T Programs in Fall 2024

Results are now available for families who submitted the application before the May 10th deadline. View your results using Waitlist are also available for eligible families. If you are eligible you will be able to add yourself to additional G&T waitlist, otherwise you will not be able to apply late via the waitlist. Waitlist close September 20th, that is the last day to receive a waitlist offer for Fall 2024.

Apply for G&T for Fall 2025? Here are some key dates:

For Kindergarten:

  • Tuesday, December 10, 2024: Kindergarten and Kindergarten G&T Application Opens 
  • Friday, January 24, 2025: Kindergarten and Kindergarten G&T Application Closes 
  • Wednesday, April 2, 2025: Kindergarten and Kindergarten G&T Offer Release

For Grades 1, 2, 3, or 4 G&T Programs:

  • Monday, April 21, 2025: G&T Upper Grade Application Opens 
  • Friday, May 9, 2025: G&T Upper Grade Application Closes 
  • Wednesday, June 11, 2025: G&T Upper Grade Offer Release




Sign up for updates about the 2024 Gifted and Talented admissions process. 

G&T Admissions for Children Entering Kindergarten in Fall 2024

This process is for kindergarten G&T programs. If you list G&T programs on your application, eligibility will be determined after you apply. Students will be considered for eligibility based on behaviors that may indicate readiness for accelerated learning. 

Eligibility Process 

This varies a bit depending on where (and whether) a child currently attends pre-K.

  • For current pre-K students at DOE/district schools, Pre-K Centers, NYC Early Education Centers (NYCEECs), or charter schools:
    • Anyone who adds a G&T program to their kindergarten application will be evaluated by their current pre-K teachers.
  • For current pre-K students at private or parochial school programs, or for children who are not yet in school:
    1. Interested families apply by listing a G&T program on their kindergarten application.
    2. After the application closes, DOE's Division of Early Childhood Education contacts applicants to set up interviews.
    3. Then, interviews take place.
    4. Based on these interviews, early childhood education experts nominate eligible applicants for G&T admissions.

As teachers consider a student's readiness for accelerated learning, they are asked to consider how learning behaviors might be demonstrated and/or be presented based on each child’s unique developmental trajectory by thinking about:

  • the entire year’s learning experience with each individual child; 
  • each individual child holistically; 
  • each child from a strengths-based perspective;
  • observed behaviors that may occur more than once (consider a wide range of observations and not a minimum/maximum number);
  • the various and many ways children express what they know and are able to do;
  • The end-of-year expectations as outlined in The New York State PreKindergarten Learning standards

In addition, teachers are asked to consider the DOE’s policy of ensuring equal education for all students without regard to their actual or perceived race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, or weight. 

Teacher/Program Nomination Form contains three sections. Teachers are asked to use authentic assessment data collected throughout the 2022-23 school year, to check the behaviors a child demonstrates. Children do not need to display behaviors in each category to demonstrate readiness for accelerated learning.

Section One: Curiosity and Initiative

What is developmentally appropriate?

Young children naturally seek meaning. A child’s curiosity is driven by their need to understand their experiences and interests. Young children’s intent to make sense of what they observe and experience is typically evidenced by their questioning and communicating with us about their observations. Young children find ways to understand their experiences and explain the phenomena they notice. Their curiosity helps them to explore their thinking about the world around them. 

Throughout the early years, children’s curiosity prompts exploration and experimentation. Children who are highly curious take it upon themselves to learn more – by mimicking, questioning – about whatever has piqued their interest. Research shows, in fact, that self-initiated activity “makes it possible for young children to be involved in intrinsically interesting experiences that help them to construct understandings of their world, remain focused during activity, and develop a love for learning.” 

Behaviors teachers are looking for:

  • Is curious about new experiences, information, activities, and/or people
  • Asks questions and communicates about the environment, people, events, and/or everyday experiences in and out of the classroom
  • Creatively expresses ideas verbally and non-verbally
  • Enjoys expressive language - plays with words and asks about the meaning of words
  • Investigates areas of interest
  • Knows or remembers a lot of information about a particular topic, usually one of interest
  • Pays attention to specific details
  • Offers unique responses, ideas or solutions
  • Asks questions that promote further inquiry
  • Seeks opportunities to challenge and extend learning

Section Two: Approaches to Learning

What is developmentally appropriate?

Young children love to express themselves and engage in creative activities such as dance, music, as well as imaginative and creative play. Play is child’s approach to learning. It is through the act of play that children explore, discover, and develop their sense of self and others. Play is the vehicle for children’s sense-making, inquiry, experimentation, and self-initiated acquisition of knowledge. 

Behaviors teachers are looking for:

  • Communicates stories and/or events with detail in home language and/or non-verbally
  • Exhibits a sense of accomplishment when solving a problem or completion of a task
  • Manipulate objects and materials in novel ways
  • Identifies problems easily and finds creative ways to solve
  • Figures out why and how things work
  • Willing to take risks and experiments
  • Shows persistence and interest in working through a problem or challenge
  • Experiments with a variety of materials to demonstrate artistic expression e.g. music, dance, drawing, painting, creating
  • Becomes absorbed in topics, tasks, and activities
  • Learns and connects new information and skills easily and with little practice 

Section Three: Perceptiveness and Self Direction

What is developmentally appropriate?

For young children, learning is a social event. While children can play and engage in solitary learning experiences, all children benefit from positive social interactions that support their growth and learning. Positive relationships and interactions with adults and peers impact children’s overall development and progress. 

Behaviors teachers are looking for: 

  • Goal orientated and is self-directed
  • Communicates in a variety of ways about how to do things with other children and/or adults
  • Demonstrates pro-social problem-solving skills
  • Helps others & shows a sense of empathy
  • Refuses to do something when the purpose behind the task is unclear or not explained
  • Understands and communicates about their unique self, e.g. interests, favorites, identities
  • Holds high expectations for self and/or others
  • Displays strong sense of justice
  • Displays leadership and guides others
  • Follows through with plans and decisions

How Kindergarten G&T Offers Are Made

  • After all applications are submitted and eligibility is determined, all eligible applicants are considered for offers.
  • Offers are determined based on families' application choices, seat availability, and admissions priorities. All G&T programs give an admissions priority to siblings of current students. Some programs also give a priority to applicants who live in a specific district
  • Due to limited seats, not all eligible applicants will be made offers.
  • Eligible applicants may be placed on programs waitlists if seats are not available.
  • All kindergarten applicants who apply by the deadline will receive an offer letter in spring 2024. This offer may be to a Gifted and Talented program or another kindergarten program.

For Children Entering G&T Programs for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Grade in Fall 2024



  • For current Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders in NYC public schools
    • Students are considered eligible if they satisfy the following grade requirements on their most recently available report card (as of March 2024). Once a child is deemed eligible, there is no ranking within eligible students based on differences in course grades. 
  1. Have course grades of a 3 or 4, or the equivalent, on their report card in Math, Reading and Writing.  
  2. Cannot have had a 1 in any marking period in Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies and Science in the current school year. Eligible students will receive notification either by email or mail.
  • Current students in district G&T programs can only apply to Citywide G&T programs, not other district programs. Current students in citywide G&T programs are not eligible to apply to any other programs and DO NOT have to reapply to remain at their current program for the upcoming school year. 
  • For current Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders in charter, private or parochial schools 
    • In order to determine your child's eligibility, you must:
      • Submit your child's report card grades to a Family Welcome Center by May 10th at 3pm.
      • After review of your child's report grades, you will be notified of the eligibility determination within 2 business days. If your child is eligible, you will be provided with instructions about how to apply.
      • NYC Public Schools will determine eligibility based on converting your child's grades to a 4-point scale.
Original GradeConversion to a 1-4 grading scale*
1 to 641
65 to 792
1-, 1, 1+1
2-, 2, 2+2
3-, 3, 3+3
4-, 4, 4+4
A-, A, A+4
B-, B, B+3
C, C-, C+2
D-, D, D+2
E-, E, E+4
G-, G, G+, S+3
N, N+, S-, S2
N-, U1

*Updated 4/26/2024

  • For current Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders in Homeschool
    • Email with your child's name, date of birth, current grade, and phone number by May 10th
    • Our team will contact you directly to discuss your child's academics in Math, Reading, Writing, Social Studies and Science to determine eligibility.
    • You will be notified of the eligibility determination. If your child is eligible, you will be provided with instructions about how to apply.

How Grade 1-4 G&T Offers Are Made

  • Eligibility to apply to G&T programs does not guarantee a G&T seat. Offers for eligible applicants will be determined based on families' application choices, programs' seat availability, and admissions priorities.
  • All G&T programs give priority to siblings of current students enrolled or pre-registered for Fall 2024. Some programs also give priority to children who live in a specific district; however, G&T programs do not give priority to zoned families. Some programs also offer Diversity In Admissions initiatives. Individual program priorities are listed in the MySchools directory.
  • All applicants will receive a results letter, but due to limited seats, not all eligible applicants will receive an offer to a G&T program. Families who receive offers will have the opportunity to accept or decline any offer that they receive.
  • Families with eligible students will be able to add themselves to additional waitlists of G&T programs if desired


2024 NYC Public Schools Admissions Guide 

View or download the 2024 NYC Public Schools Admissions Guide! This book provides an overview of admissions processes and resources for Infants and Toddlers programs, 3-K, Pre-K, Kindergarten, Gifted and Talented (G&T) programs, middle school, and high school (including Specialized High Schools), including a section on how to use MySchools.

Print copies will be available in 10 languages at schools, early childhood programs, libraries, and other sites throughout September.