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  1. Enrollment Forms

    Find forms that school staff and Family Welcome Centers provide to families for enrollment, registration, and more.

  2. Mental Health

    Mental health impacts not only our students but our families, schools, and communities. Learn where you can find our mental health services.

  3. NYC Schools Account NYCSA

    NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) is an app that helps you track your child’s education. Through NYCSA, you can see their grades, attendance, fitness results, schedule, and more. Find out how to sign up, now.

  4. High School Students

    It's never too early to start planning for high school. You can start as early as sixth grade. Get the information you need to find the right fit for your child.

  5. After-School

    Find after-school programs for your child. Many programs give students opportunities to learn skills, explore their interests, and discover new things and most programs are free.

  6. Building Accessibility

    Find out about the accessibility of school buildings, request an accommodation, or learn how to file a discrimination complaint.

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