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  1. NY State English Language Arts (ELA) Tests

    Students in grades 3–8 take the State English Language Arts (ELA) test each spring.

  2. Math

    In Mathematics we teach students to have solid understanding of concepts, and to work through problems with skill and ease.

  3. NY State Math Tests

    Students in grades 3–8 take the State Mathematics test each spring.

  4. District Planning Document Library

    Page housing public facing docs uploaded by ODP

  5. Exploring Future Careers

    Learn how to help your child explore careers and think meaningfully about their future.

  6. Advanced Placement Exams

    Advanced Placement (AP) Please visit the AP for All initiative site to see important announcements, access resources, and learn about enrichment programs related to Advanced Placement Courses.Who takes this test?All high...

  7. Health Requirements to Attend School

    To help manage your child’s health needs in school, we require you and your child’s health care provider to complete certain forms. Using these forms helps assure that your child gets the care and services they need duri...

  8. College and Career Planning

    Tips for helping your child plan for college and choose a career.

  9. Safe Travel Tips

    Get tips to make sure the trip to and from school both safe and enjoyable for your student.

  10. Other Health Topics

    There are several steps you can take to improve your child’s health. This includes seeking health services such as dental and reproductive health that are available in select schools. You can also read more about how to ...

  11. Discipline Code

    The Discipline Code is also known as the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning. It describes supports, interventions, and disciplinary measures that schools can use when students misbehave.

  12. Working Papers (Employment Certificates)

    Working papers are also known as Employment Certification. All students between 14 - 17 years of age must get an employment certificate in order to work.