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  1. Specialized Programs for Students with Disabilities

    Learn about the many specialized programs we offer to special education students, including Essential Skills, Bilingual, and Autism Disorder programs.

  2. District 75 Programs

    District 75 Programs District 75 (D75) provides highly specialized instructional support for students with significant challenges, such as:Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)Significant cognitive delaysEmotional disturbance...

  3. Big Apple Awards

    The Big Apple Awards is a citywide recognition program celebrating New York City teachers who inspire students, model great teaching, and enrich their school communities. By honoring these teachers, we recognize all thos...

  4. Special Education

    Special Education

  5. Other Special Education Services

    See other programs, services, and aids that may be recommended on a student’s IEP.

  6. Assistive Technology

    This page covers: Examples of Assistive Technology; Request an AT Evaluation; Evaluation Process; After the Evaluation; Instructional Technology

  7. Special Education Glossary

    See an alphabetical listing of many of the Special Education terms that you and your child may need to understand.

  8. District 75

    District 75 provides highly specialized instructional support for students with significant challenges, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, significant cognitive delays, or emotional disturbances.

  9. Michelle Joseph

    Michelle Joseph is a Social Responsibility Strategy Consultant.

  10. Family Resources

    Upcoming events, workshops, and resources for families of children with IEPs.

  11. This Years Big Apple Award Recipients

    All of the Big Apple Award Winners for this year

  12. Quality Review

    Quality Review What is the Quality Review?The Quality Review (QR) is a process rooted in the NYC School Quality Rubric to evaluate how well schools are organized to support student learning and teacher practice. The Qual...