School Number: K963
Accessibility: Fully Accessible
Grades: 09,10,SE
Geographic District: 13
Borough: Brooklyn
School Contacts and Information
- School Leader
- Corinth Hunter,I. A. Principal
- Parent Coordinator
- Fatimah Basir
- Respect for All Liaison
- Malik Isasis
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Liaison
- Malik Isasis
- How to report bullying
- 504 Coordinator
- Mary Margaret O'Brien,Jazzmin France
- Space
- Shares building with other schools
- District Borough Number
- 13K963
Superintendent and District Contacts
- Superintendent
- Frederick Walsh
- Family Support Coordinator
- Stephany Pineda
- Address
- 333 7 Avenue, Manhattan, Ny 10001
- Phone
- 212-356-3754
- Education Council President
- Karen Wang
- Education Council Phone
- 718-557-2509
Building Information
- K653 - 662 Pacific Street
School Quality
The DOE develops tools to help families and educators understand student achievement and school quality. The reports on this page provide information about school quality from multiple sources. These sources include feedback from students, teachers, and parents. Reports also include information from formal school visits and a variety of student achievement metrics.
Building Accessibility Profile
- Building 1
- K748 - 424 Albee Square West - Fully Accessible
- Rating
- 10 out of 10 - All educational primary function areas within the building are accessible. The building either has a construction date of 1992 or after, or represents a building where major alterations, additions or remediations have been made to pre-1992 construction to provide full accessibility.
- View BAP Report