P.S. 333 Manhattan School for Children
District- Location: 154 West 93 Street, Manhattan, NY 10025
- Phone: 212-222-1450
- Fax: 212-222-1828
- School Website
School Number: M333
Accessibility: Fully Accessible
Grades: 0K,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,SE
Geographic District: 3
Borough: Manhattan
School Contacts and Information
- School Leader
- Marciarie Rodriguez,Principal
- Parent Coordinator
- Dorine Grollman
- Respect for All Liaison
- Arianna Cintron
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Liaison
- Kadria Benejan
- How to report bullying
- 504 Coordinator
- Angela Miguel,Nichole Makarius
- Space
- Shares building with other schools
- District Borough Number
- 03M333
Superintendent and District Contacts
- Superintendent
- Kamar Samuels
- Family Support Coordinator
- Patricia Lysius
- Phone
- 212-678-5857
- Address
- 154 West 93 Street, Manhattan, Ny 10025
- Education Council President
- Sharon Collins and Ursila Jung
- Education Council Phone
- 212-678-2782
Mental Health and Wellness
- Ask your Parent Coordinator, School Social Worker, or School Counselor for more information about your school's mental health program.
- School-Based Mental Health Clinic
- Association to Benefit Children: 646-951-2839
Free Student Meals
- Breakfast, lunch and after school meal service is free for all NYC public school students.
- Menu Service Specifics
- Breakfast Time: 7:55 AM-8:15 AM
- Lunch Time: 10:30 AM-11:25 AM
- Food Service Manager: Annecia Virgo-Shakes
- Kitchen Phone Number: 212-666-2553
- See what's on the menu:
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- DOH Inspection Report
- For School Specific Admission Information
- Browse NYC Schools on MySchools.nyc
School Quality
The DOE develops tools to help families and educators understand student achievement and school quality. The reports on this page provide information about school quality from multiple sources. These sources include feedback from students, teachers, and parents. Reports also include information from formal school visits and a variety of student achievement metrics.
- School Quality Snapshot
- The School Quality Snapshot provides families with a summary of each school. The data captures the schools learning environment and student performance. Snapshots from the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years are available in the links below.
- School Quality Snapshot K-8
- School Quality Guide
- The School Quality Guide is a detailed report about this school that includes complete results from the NYC School Survey and more information on student achievement
- School Quality Guide K-8
- Quality Review Report
- The Quality Review Report is the result of a two-day visit by an experienced educator, who has looked at how well this school supports student learning and teacher practice.
- 2017-18 Reports
- 2014-15 Reports
- School Performance Dashboard
- The School Performance Dashboard shows multiple years of data and key comparisons for this school.
- School Performance Dashboard K-8
Building Accessibility Profile
- Building 1
- M118 - 154 WEST 93 STREET - Fully Accessible
- Rating
- 9 out of 10 - All educational primary function areas within the building are accessible, although minor barriers may be present throughout the building where there is pre-1992 construction.
- View BAP Report