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  1. Per Session Jobs

    Employees may apply for per session activities that are done either before school, after school, on the weekend or holidays, or during the summer.

  2. Parent and Parent Teacher Associations

    Members, officers, elections, grievances, meetings, bylaws, finances, Parent Leader Times, PTALink, Presidents' Council, and the Chancellor's Parent Advisory Council (CPAC).

  3. Emergency Declarations

    Emergency Declarations

  4. PEP Bylaws

    PEP Bylaws On this page... Bylaws of the Panel for Educational Policy of the City School District of the City of New York (Amended by the Panel on March 20, 2024)Article I: Preamble1.1. History: The Board of Education of...

  5. Becoming a Principal

    We seek talented educators to lead and transform New York City public schools. Get information about becoming a school leader.

  6. PEP - Panel for Educational Policy

    The Panel for Educational Policy, or PEP, consists of 15 appointed members and the Chancellor. Learn about the PEP members and get meeting materials.

  7. Community and Citywide Education Councils

    Learn what CCECs are and what they do, view meeting schedules and current members, and find out about currently available council seats.

  8. Legal

    Find out about the legal offices at the Department of Education, the practice areas, and how to report misconduct, sexual harassment or discrimination.

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