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  1. Educational Option (Ed Opt) Admissions Method

    Learn about the process used to admit students to educational option (ed. opt) public high school programs.

  2. EAs and Supervisors

    Education Administrator Supervisor, and CSA Director vacancies are posted throughout the year. Visit this page to see available positions and to learn about eligibility and how to apply.

  3. 4th Annual NYC Public School Film Festival

    Information is available for the film festival along with professional development

  4. Campaigning Guidelines

    Campaign Guidelines for Elections 2023

  5. Adult Education (Ages 21 plus)

    NYCDOE offers tuition-free adult education classes in all five boroughs for people 21 and older who do not have a high school diploma.

  6. High School

    Apply during your child's 8th or (first-time) 9th grade year.

  7. Health Education

    Health education is a required academic subject for students in all grades. In this class, students learn how to take care of their minds, their bodies, and their relationships with others.

  8. Students in Temporary Housing

    The law requires that students living in temporary housing have the same public education and the same educational services as students with permanent housing. Get help and learn more about rights, supports, and contacts...

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