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  1. Chancellor's Regulations

    The New York City Department of Education's Chancellor's Regulations are divided into four sections: Volume A covers student-related issues, Volume B covers schools-based budgeting, Volume C addresses employee issues an...

  2. Borough President and Public Advocate Appointee Seats

    Application to Borough President and Public Advocate seats in CCECs

  3. Comprehensive Education Plans

    A CEP includes a School Leadership Team's goals and strategies for the school year. District Leadership Teams (DLTs) develop a District Comprehensive Educational Plan (DCEP).

  4. School Leadership Team

    What a school leadership team (SLT) is and does, SLT members, the decision making process, and governing laws and regulations.

  5. Bill of Rights for Parents of English Language Learners

    Learn about your rights as a parent of an English Language Learner.

  6. Services for Student Parents

    Our program Living for the Young Family Through Education (LYFE) is for the children of students who are parents.

  7. Court-Involved Youth

    Students who are arrested and detained or incarcerated can attend school. We offer these programs for detained or incarcerated students.

  8. College and Career Glossary

    Important terms to know when planning for college and career.

  9. Volume B Regulations

    These regulations address school-based budgeting.

  10. Public Art for Public Schools

    Public Art for Public Schools commissions and preserves works of art that are installed in NYC school buildings.

  11. Community Organizations that Help Multilingual and Immigrant Families

    See the list of community organizations and their contact information for getting help as multilingual and immigrant families.

  12. After-School

    Find after-school programs for your child. Many programs give students opportunities to learn skills, explore their interests, and discover new things and most programs are free.