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  1. School Safety

    See the programs and services we have to make sure your child is safe and supported every day at school.

  2. Diabetes

    Your child’s health is important to us. We want to work together to ensure that your child receives the best care possible while at school. Learn how you can help us care for your child, and about the diabetes services t...

  3. Elementary School Learning

    In elementary school, children learn how to learn—and remember—new information.

  4. Free College and Career Advising

    Tips to help your child decide which college to attend.

  5. Asthma

    Your school needs to know if your child has asthma. That way, your child can take advantage of health programs that will help keep their asthma under control. Learn how to get your child the relief they need.

  6. Periodic Assessments

    Students take Periodic Assessments several times throughout the school year to give teachers more information about what students have learned.

  7. Responding to Behavioral Crises

    Schools must be prepared to manage student behavior in a behavioral crisis. Learn how schools reduce conflict and when they contact 911 for Emergency Medical Services.

  8. Social Studies

    In Social Studies students use rich content, major themes and big ideas to learn history, geography, economics, civics, citizenship, and government.

  9. Teacher and Principal Evaluation

    Advance is New York City's teacher development and evaluation system. See how it looks both at what teachers do and how students perform.

  10. Get Help at Your Charter School

    If you need help at your child's charter school, you can reach out to staff or file a complaint.

  11. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)

    STEM is an acronym for the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Students can learn about STEM inside and outside the classroom.

  12. School-Based Health Centers

    School-Based Health Centers are medical health centers within the schools. They help students manage their illnesses during the school day.