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  1. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Announce 'Stay Safe and Stay Open' Plan for Schools

    City doubles in-school testing. New safety measures will use at-home rapid tests, reduce unnecessary school absences

  2. Discipline Code

    The Discipline Code is also known as the Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning. It describes supports, interventions, and disciplinary measures that schools can use when students misbehave.

  3. Chancellor Carranza Announces Record 17 Billion Dollar Proposed Capital Plan

    Largest ever capital plan for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 dedicates $750 million for increased building accessibility, $8.8 billion for new seats and school buildings and accelerates roll-out of AC for All by one year

  4. Bill of Rights for Parents of English Language Learners

    Learn about your rights as a parent of an English Language Learner.

  5. Student Bill of Rights

    The Student Bill of Rights is a guide for students as they strive to become productive citizens in a diverse society. It covers what students need to know about their rights and their responsibilities.

  6. Parents Bill of Rights

    To foster active engagement between parents and schools, parents have certain rights and responsibilities.

  7. Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security

    Learn about your rights regarding the privacy and security of your child’s personally identifiable information and data.

  8. Parents Bill of Rights

    f Parents’ Bill of Rights Each child’s maximum potential can best be achieved through a partnership between parents and the education community. To foster active engagement between parents and schools, parents have certa...

  9. Parents Bill of Rights_Polish

    T&I-29872 (Polish) Karta Praw (Bill of Rights) dla rodziców obowiązująca w Stanach Zjednoczonych Każdemu dziecku maksymalny potencjał najlepiej zapewnia współpraca partnerska pomiędzy jego rodzicami a społecznością eduka...

  10. Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security

    T-34531 OGC 2022 Aug PBOR Data Privacy and Security (English) Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security Several laws and regulations protect the confidentiality of information about your children when that in...

  11. Parents bill of rights data privacy and security

    Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security Both state and federal laws protect the confidentiality of information about your child that identifies him or her. Such information, which includes student‐specific ...

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