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  1. Chancellor Banks Announces a Path Forward for Transforming and Rebuilding Trust in Special Education in NYC Public Schools

    Scaling and sustaining of four special education programs with track records of success – Sensory Exploration, Education & Discovery (SEED), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Nest and Horizon, and Path Programs – with an i...

  2. Mayor Adams and Chancellor Banks Announce Historic Investment in Preschool Special-Education Supports and Expansion of Access

    NYC Public Schools Enhance 3,000 Special Education Seats Across 65 Early Childhood Providers, Adding 400 New Seats. Additional Expansion Expected to Open Enough Preschool Seats This Spring to Serve All Children Living wi...

  3. Chancellor Banks Announces Completion of Reimagining Special Education Report & Celebrates Program Expansions

    ... special education. In response, New York City Public Schools expanded a partnership to improve the IEP Parent Member role, added programming for Autistic students in neighborhood schools, and released a new inclusive ...

  4. Mayor Adams, Speaker Adams Protect Over $500 Million in key Education Programs Previously Funded With Temporary Stimulus Dollars, Announce Effort to Boost Early Childhood Education Enrollment

    City Funds More Than $500 Million in Department of Education Programming Previously Supported with Temporary Stimulus Funds, Bolstering Mental Health Care, Career Readiness, and Literacy Support. $5 Million Effort Will M...

  5. Chancellors’ Banks and Matos Rodríguez Announce Nation’s Largest Partnership Between Higher Education and K-12 To Deliver Computing and Digital Literacy Skills to Teachers

    ‘Computing Integrated Teacher Education’ will Prepare More than 1,000 NYC Teachers to Integrate Computing Across Subjects and Enhance Students’ Critical-Thinking, Problem-Solving Skills. Four-Year, $14 Million Commitment...

  6. New York City Public Schools Partners With Special Olympics NY To Expand Access to Sports for Students With Disabilities

    NEW YORK – Today Mayor Eric Adams, Schools Chancellor David C. Banks, and Special Olympics NY President & CEO Stacey Hengsterman announced an expanded partnership between New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) and Special ...

  7. Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza Announce Plan to Improve Diversity at Specialized High Schools

    Plan will increase enrollment of disadvantaged students, eliminate single admission test through new legislation 10 percent of specialized high school students are Black or Latino, compared to nearly 70 percent citywide.

  8. Chancellor Carranza Announces 47 New Career and Technical Education Programs Successfully Opened

    301 total programs across 135 NYC high schools are now reaching 64,000 students

  9. Testimony of New York City Public Schools Chancellor David C. Banks: New York State Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Elementary and Secondary Education

    Good morning and thank you, Chair Weinstein, Chair Krueger, Chair Benedetto, Chair Liu, Chair Mayer, and members of the Assembly Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees. My name is David Banks, Chancellor of New Yor...

  10. New York City Mayor Eric Adams & Chancellor David C. Banks Announce Investment, Rapid-Response Support to Stabilize Early Childhood Education Sector

    Stabilization plan ensures community-based providers will be paid at least 75% of their FY22 contract values. A Rapid Response Team will meet with every provider with outstanding invoices to provide intensive support in...

  11. Chancellor Carranza Launches New Department of Education Website

    New mobile-ready site is family-focused and more accessible, and continues to be translated into nine languages

  12. Spoken Testimony of Chancellor David Banks Before the Committee on Education & Workforce

    Good morning, Chairwoman Foxx, Ranking Member Scott, Chairman Bean, Ranking Member Bonamici, and distinguished members of the Committee and Subcommittee. Thank you for inviting me to address the horrific rise in antisemi...