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  1. District 75 Programs

    ... special education program in select District 75 schools that serves some students with autism. Each AIMS classroom has a special education teacher, a speech teacher, and a classroom paraprofessional. Instruction is pr...

  2. Evaluation

    After you give consent, we have 60 calendar days to evaluate your child.

  3. The IEP Process

    Starting the Process| Making a Referral| Evaluation| IEP Meeting | The IEP | Parent Members

  4. Supports and Services

    Assistive Technology | Behavior Supports |Related Services | Specialized Transportation | Other Special Education Services | Testing Accommodations | Extended School Year Services

  5. Middle School Students

    Get information about middle school options for students with disabilities, and how to apply to programs.

  6. Parent Members

    Learn how you can request a Parent Member for support at your child's IEP meeting, or how you can become a Parent Member to help others.

  7. School Settings

    District Schools | Specialized Programs | District 75 | Other Educational Settings

  8. Assistive Technology

    This page covers: Examples of Assistive Technology; Request an AT Evaluation; Evaluation Process; After the Evaluation; Instructional Technology

  9. Help

    Talking About Disability | Your Rights | Getting Support | Impartial Hearings | Contacts and Resources| Special Education Glossary| Committees on Special Education| Resources for Staff and Providers

  10. Finding an Independent Provider

    ... special education teachers in the New York City area. Their findings can be found in this report. (This Report does not impact existing payment schedules for services provided by DOE teachers or independent special ed...

  11. District 75

    District 75 provides highly specialized instructional support for students with significant challenges, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, significant cognitive delays, or emotional disturbances.