Parents: Support Your Child's Education By Serving Your School Community
Parents: it's time to get involved!
When it comes to helping New York City public schools succeed, parents are the best partners our teachers, students, and staff members have. From fundraising and securing fun out-of-school activities for students, to serving on School Leadership Teams (SLT) and local Education Councils, City families across the five boroughs volunteer countless hours in service to their children's schools. Many of our schools could not do what they do without the support of their students' families, and we are forever grateful to every one of you who take the time to support New York City Public Schools.
If you are a City public school parent or guardian and are interested in learning how you can support your child's school community, then look no further—we'll tell you all you need to know to get started!

PA/PTAs often organize fundraisers and events like toy and coat drives on behalf of students, teachers, and other community members. Find out how you can help support or even organize these efforts by attending your school's monthly PA/PTA meetings. Speak to your school's Parent Coordinator for details. (Photo by Julia M. Cameron via Pexels)
Use Parent University to Pick Up New Ways of Supporting Your Child's Learning at Home
Parent University, our free digital learning platform for families, provides free online courses and resources that families can use to become better advocates and lifelong educators for their children. Available to all NYCPS families regardless of their children's grade level, Parent University provides families with an ever-expanding course list that can range from reading strategies to tips for parents seeking to limit their children's access to digital devices.
Visit Parent University to see an updated list of available courses.
Attend PA/PTA Meetings and Volunteer to Serve Your Child's School Community
Parent Associations and Parent-Teacher Associations (PA/PTAs) are organizations that advocate for students and families, update families about school happenings and events, and plan and run activities for their school communities. Every school has a PA or PTA, and every NYCPS parent or guardian is automatically a member of their school's PA/PTA.
PA/PTAs host parent workshops; organize academic and social activities for families; fundraise for additional classes, teachers, and field trips; and even help provide volunteers for school events like book fairs, school trips, and celebrations of student work.
Consider attending your school's next PA/PTA meeting and volunteer on your child's behalf—and if you really enjoy the work, consider running later this year to become an officer in your school's PA/PTA! Learn more about PA/PTAs by visiting our official webpage, and speak with your school's Parent Coordinator to learn specific details, including meeting times, regarding your school's PA/PTA.
Get Elected to a School Leadership Team
School Leadership Teams (SLTs) are groups of people who develop educational policies and help provide resources for said policies on their school's behalf. SLTs, which are made up of elected school staff members and parents, provide ongoing evaluations of a school's educational programs and their impact on student achievement, play important roles in school-based decision-making, and help to make school cultures more collaborative. Every NYC public school has an SLT.
Learn more about SLTs by visiting our official webpage.
Participate in the 2025 Community and Citywide Education Council Elections
Education Councils help shape policies and priorities for New York City Public Schools, and starting in January 2025, parents will be able to apply to run for seats on any of the 32 Community Education Councils and four Citywide Education Councils for which they are eligible. Candidates will then campaign from late February through April 2025, and finally, voting will take place from late April through May 13, 2025.
By law, each council has powers and duties concerning a range of matters, including reviewing educational programs, approving school zoning lines, and making recommendations to improve services for City public school students. Learn more about each of these councils and what they do on our Community and Citywide Education Councils page, and check out our 2025 elections page for more details about this school year's voting process.
On behalf of NYC Public Schools, we thank all NYC families who volunteer their time in service to our students and school communities.
Banner/Teaser Photo by fauxels. Original can be found on Pexels.