Show Love to NYC's Educators During Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6–10)

Join us all week long as we celebrate teachers across the five boroughs for their extraordinary service on behalf of City students! Use our official DOE All Stars web tool to send a note of appreciation to the teachers who have made a difference in your life!

  • May 3, 2024, 2:14 PM

It's time to thank New York City's teachers!

This month, May 6–10, NYC Public Schools are celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week, our annual tribute to the estimated 77,000 educators across the five boroughs who instruct and help guide the growth of approximately a million City students every school day.

All week long, City school communities, including students, families, and fellow educators will be showing their appreciation for their favorite teachers—and with our official DOE All Stars web tool, you can, too!

To get started, simply sign into DOE All Stars as a guest by May 10, and type in the name of the teacher of whom you would like to send a "thank you"—from this point on, simply select your preferred message from the list of messages visible onscreen, hit the "Send" button, and you're done!


You can also "shout out" your favorite teachers on social media—simply use the hashtag, #ThankATeacherNYC, to tell the world how you feel about the City's public school teachers who have made a difference in your lives.

At the end of 2024, you'll be able to use DOE All Stars to nominate your favorite teachers for a 2024–25 Big Apple Award, NYC Public Schools' annual recognition and celebration of City teachers who provide excellent instruction, inspire their students, and enrich their school communities!

To learn more about Teacher Appreciation Week, visit our official TAW 2024 webpage and consider joining us all as we thank all City teachers for their ongoing dedication to our students, families, and school communities.

On behalf of NYC Public Schools, we wish all of our educators a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week!


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