Click below to learn statistics about each respective topic, like the total number of students in the school system.
In 2023-24, there were 912,064 students in the NYC school system, the largest school district in the United States. Of those students:
- 16.3 percent of students were English Language Learners
- 21.6 percent were students with disabilities
- 73.5 percent were economically disadvantaged
- Race or ethnicity:
- 42.2 percent Hispanic
- 19.5 percent Black
- 18.7 percent Asian
- 16.2 percent White
- 1.8 percent Multi-Racial
- 1.2 percent Native American
145,997 students were enrolled in NYC charter schools in 2023-24.
Schools and Programs
There were 1,596 schools within the DOE as of the 2023-24 school year and 274 charter schools.
Test Results, Graduation Results, and Other Data
See the Information and Data page on the InfoHub for more detailed reports and other information about:
- Test Results
- English Language Arts & Math
- Regents exams
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- Advanced Placement exams
- Graduation Results
- Demographics
- Survey Results
- NYC School Survey
- Principal Satisfaction Survey
- School Quality
- School Quality Reports
- Quality Review Ratings
- Doing research on New York City public schools