Vision and Mission
Our Mission at the New York City Public Schools is to ensure that each student graduates on a pathway to a rewarding career and long-term economic security, equipped to be a positive force for change.
Read the Four Pillars which support Chancellor David C. Banks' vision for building trust in the New York City public schools.
The DOE is committed to creating and supporting learning environments that reflect the diversity of New York City. We believe all students benefit from diverse and inclusive schools and classrooms. We strive to welcome and support all students, families, and school staff.
Students do better when they feel protected and supported in the classroom. In the 2019-20 school year, we introduced a new framework for teaching students how to resolve conflict, build relationships, and keep our school communities safe.
Learn how the DOE uses an educational strategy that embraces students’ identities called culturally responsive-sustaining education or CR-SE, and how diversity can be a source of knowledge.
The Big Apple Awards is a citywide recognition program celebrating New York City teachers who inspire students, model great teaching, and enrich their school communities. By honoring these teachers, we recognize all those who go above and beyond to serve our students and families!
Advance is New York City's teacher development and evaluation system. See how it looks both at what teachers do and how students perform.
Read the chancellor's letter to families on recent events and the DOE’s commitment to anti-racist education and practices.
New York’s teachers have come through for our us time and time again. Join us thanking them for their extraordinary dedication to our students, our families, and our city.