Below please find the school utilization proposals to be voted on at the February 26, 2020 Panel for Educational Policy Meeting, located at M.S. 131 (M.S. 131, 100 Hester Street, New York, NY 10002). On this page are the dates of the joint public hearings, as well as the contact information for each proposal. Oral and written comment on these proposals will be accepted from January 9, 2020 through February 25, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Public Notices and additional documents for these proposals can be found by clicking the "View Documents" link below.
The Proposed Temporary Partial Re-siting of P.S. 85 Judge Charles Vallone (30Q085) from Building Q085 to Building Q070 and Co-location with P.S. 70 (30Q070) Beginning in the 2020-2021 School Year
- PANEL STATUS: APPROVED; this proposal will not be implemented
- Contact: Rebecca Lichtenstein, 212-374-7621,
- Joint Public Hearing Dates:
- Monday, February 10 at 6 PM
- Building Q085, at 23-70 31st Street, Queens, NY 11105
- Wednesday, February 12 at 6 PM
- Building Q070, at 30-44 43rd Street, Queens, NY 11103
View all documents for this proposal
The Proposed Temporary Re-siting of P.S./M.S. 47 Chris Galas (27Q047) from Building Q047 to Building Q593 Beginning in the 2020-2021 School Year
- Panel Approval Status: APPROVED; this proposal will not be implemented
- Contact: Rebecca Lichtenstein, 212-374- 7621,
- Joint Public Hearing Date:
- Monday, February 10 at 6 PM
- Building Q047, at 9 Power Road, Queens, NY 11693
View all documents for this proposal